Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Frankenstein-Page 155

"You have read this strange and terrific story now, Margaret; and do you not feel your blood congeal with horror, like that which even now curdles mine?" page 155

This is the first time since page 14 that Walton is the narrator. We're finally out of all of the frames in the story and back to where we started. Poor Walton's head is probably spinning after hearing all of that, and I bet his hand hurts after writing it all down. Personally, I kind of liked the frames. Especially with William's death, it was cool to see it from both Victor's point of view and his creation's. That's something that few stories provide. Having multiple points of view made me feel like I knew the story better. I felt slightly less judgmental toward all of the characters involved since I could see them in different ways. I still don't really see how the story is so horrific. I mean, Victor's creation kills everyone and then himself (maybe), but I just don't see the horror in it. It's scary, but "blood-curdling" might be going a bit far.

1 comment:

  1. This blog is pretty cool, I was looking around and found this while doing summer homework for my AP Lit. class. I have a feeling that this will be a great refuge during procrastination spells!
