Monday, November 8, 2010

A Rose For Emily

First of all, I doubted that this story would be as creepy as it sounded. I was wrong. Way, way wrong. I'm gonna go with the third question from the assignment sheet for this one. The conclusion of the story was definitely foreshadowed. It seemed to me that Emily would still have her father's body in the house based on the way she talked about him. When she said "See Colonel Sartoris," I thought before I finished the story that she had easy access to his body. That coupled with the horrible smell which came from her house led me to believe that she had kept her father's body in the house until Barron was introduced. When the narrator said that Barron was last seen at Emily's house, I still thought that her father's body was in the house too. The fact that Barron was never seen leaving was a huge clue that his body had to be in the house. The fact that she had never had much of a relationship with a man before Barron makes her actions slightly more understandable and predictable but still incredibly creepy.

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