Friday, July 9, 2010


Well, now that I have officially finished one of the worst novels I've ever read, I think I can finally nail down a theme. Morality seems to play a huge part in the story. I think that Brett's problems all stem from her morality, or lack thereof. Had she stayed with one man, none of the conflicts in the story would have arisen, and all the men would have been happy. Instead, she stirred up trouble with every man she met. As a result, her life was far less enjoyable. I think that Jake said it best on page 46 when he suggested that Brett married men she didn't love (does paraphrasing count as a quote?). Because she didn't understand the meaning of love and slept around with everyone, her life was bitter, and, as she says on page 34, she's "paying for it now." It seems as though morality and karma teamed up to bite her.


  1. Haha, I couldn't agree more that this book is mucho sucko. Maybe Costello will tell us otherwise, but I can't say I've ever really enjoyed a required reading book.

  2. Ha! I never knew we teachers just could just command students to personally connect and enjoy everything we assign. I command you to love this book (even though I didn't love it myself).
