Thursday, January 27, 2011

Othello-1119 #7

The real action occurs in Act V which takes place over the course of one night. It begins with Roderigo's attack on Cassio (V.i.23) and ends with Othello committing suicide (V.ii.355). All of the action is dramatized on stage rather than reported. The audience watches the story unfold before Othello and the other characters through the switches from scene to scene. The audience not only hears Roderigo yell "Villain, thou diest!" They also see the attack occur at the same time. The play feels tight in construction. Everything falls precisely into place for Iago as it only would if it was crafted that way. It brings a feeling of control to the play that is accentuated by Iago's personality.

1 comment:

  1. it does feel like they just pack all the action into the final act
