Tuesday, March 22, 2011

1984-page 103

"Nobody ever escaped detection, and nobody ever failed to confess." page 103

The Party is predictable. The same thing happens every time they arrest someone moderately well-known. The person is arrested, they confess, and then they're vaporized. It always happens that way just like it did with Jones, Aaronson, and Rutherford. But once the person is vaporized, the Party deletes all evidence of that person's existence. It doesn't make sense that the Party would go to the trouble of gaining a public confession if they're just going to remove that person from history. Why aren't they secretly kidnapped and vaporized in the middle of the night like the people who are not well-known? If they technically won't exist anyway, why bother with the confession? It just seems like a whole lot of work when they could do it secretively and have the same exact result.

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