Saturday, June 26, 2010

My First AP Lit Blog Post! and Chapter One

I started reading early June-ish, so I've had some time to think about the majority of the book for a while, and the first chapter still confuses me. The way the novel begins, the reader is made to believe that the main character is Robert Cohn. By the way, I don't like him at all. If that bias shows through in my blog posts, I sincerely apologize, but I simply do not like him. Anyway, the first sentence on page 1, "Robert Cohn was once middleweight boxing champion of Princeton", implies that the novel is about Cohn, a former boxing champion. As I read further in the chapter and the book, I realized that this fact is a reference to his personality. He seems to enjoy picking fights with the other characters, and the statement which begins the novel is meant to be a hint for the reader, almost a forewarning of the mayhem he attempts to cause. His relationship with Frances is also confusing. At one point, it seems as though he is, for lack of a better term, "whipped," and I find it odd that he, who enjoys disagreements, strives to be agreeable with her. And after all that confusion, I was/am further confused by the fact that he really doesn't even like her that much. Sounds to me like he's trying to be a ladies' man, and it really isn't working out for him.

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